Bal Kriti
An educational project for children
The pre-school and support program Bal Krriti was founded in 2007 by the Swiss Regula Willi in Jaipur under the umbrella of the organization ABCDS.
The aim of the Bal Krriti project is to improve the quality of life of poor children in Jaipur and to prepare them for regular school attendance.
As part of this support program for children from the poorest sections of the population in Jaipur, the educational situation is to be improved in order to create the conditions for liberation from poverty.
In the holistic support project Bal Krriti, children learn Hindi, English, mathematics in a playful way and receive lessons in art and music, as well as in general education.
A sewing project for women
Shakti is a sewing project founded in 2009 for socially disadvantaged women in Jaipur.
The aim of the project is to increase the women's self-confidence, make them more independent and motivate them to actively earn extra money to support their families. This helps to strengthen the position of women in family decisions in the long term.
From 2009 - 2023, the women were taught basic knowledge about sewing and designing clothes in a training program and their creative skills were encouraged. They also learned how to work in a team and were motivated to look for work or set up a self-help group in order to secure a regular income for themselves and their families. They continue to receive support from the NGO ABCDS in their search for work.
Based on an external evaluation in 2023, it can be stated that the women are better connected with each other after completing the program and in many cases clearly have better opportunities both personally and socially. They are able to support the family household financially with their sewing work and are able to present themselves with increased self-confidence and renewed self-assurance. Shakti's last sewing course was completed at the end of 2023. The results of the survey showed that it no longer made sense to continue the program in the area - follow-up programs would perhaps be desirable in neighborhoods further away.
The association Development+
The association
The association Development+ Development for everyone! was from Regula Willi, who did development work in India between 2006 and 2008, and the Bal Krriti educational projects
and Shakti, founded in 2009. All members of the association volunteer for the association's projects.
The association members of Development+
The board members of Development+ all work with great enthusiasm and joy for the project, of course completely free of charge. The incredible development of Development+ over the last few years motivates us and shows us that it is worth showing our full commitment and using our knowledge and strengths to further develop the project. We would like to briefly introduce ourselves:
Cooperation partner ABCDS
Development+ works closely with its Indian partner organization Anand Bharti Care and Development Society (ABCDS). ABCDS was founded in 1997 by Indira and Mansingh Lamba and works to overcome social ills, primarily by offers a wide range of education and training programs for the socially disadvantaged. This includes the ABS school in the Moti Nagar district of Jaipur, which offers classes from the first to the twelfth grade.

Gründerin Regula Willi zusammen mit Indira Lamba unserer Gründerin der Partnerorganisation Anand Bharti Care and Development Society (ABCDS).

Schülerinner der ABCDS Schule in Jaipur Indien.

Englisch, Hindu, Rechnen und kreative Fächer werden unterrichtet.

Gründerin Regula Willi zusammen mit Indira Lamba unserer Gründerin der Partnerorganisation Anand Bharti Care and Development Society (ABCDS).